I hate wasting paper!
My studio contained various high quality etching paper scraps collected from years of work as a print maker. When I unexpectedly found those scraps neatly stashed away, I got an inspiration to see what I could do with them. Just to see what would happen, I decided to bundle them into a tightly sealed pillow case that I placed into the washing machine on the short cycle. When I opened the pillow case, I was excited to find Paper Pulp. From that experiment, I discovered a new medium with which I could experiment. The inspiration to create forms and shapes in an effort to use recycled paper pulp would never have occurred to me. The stimulus of nice wet paper pulp, the unexpected experimental outcome became another art medium. The molded shapes were left to dry for many days. Then, dressed up with paint and adorned with found or recycled and surprising materials, they became delicate new creations ready for visual examination.